What's Great About The USA

The newcomer who sees the USA for the first time typically experiences emotions that alternate between wonder and delight. Here is a country where where things are different, and everything works.

The roads are maintained with highway signs that are clear and accurate. Highways are safe to drive and policed for safety.

The telephones work. When you want to use the telephone you get a dial tone and a quick connection. Cell phone towers are everywhere and access is reasonably priced.

Food is plentiful. Few people in America have to wonder where their next meal is coming from. The American supermarket is a thing to behold: endless aisles of every imaginable product.

Emergency medical care is available to everyone, even those without proper insurance. Medical care other than emergency is readily available.

Public toilets function properly. While many businesses say restrooms are for customers only, buy a soda in fast food restaurant and you will probably have free access to clean, functioning toilets.

Schools are everywhere. Every child has access to an education, and many have the chance to go to college. Vocational training is also available for lots of career opportunities.

America has religious liberty. America has found a solution to religious and ethnic conflict. In many countries today, people from different faiths or tribes are engaged in bloody conflict: Serbs and Croatians, Sikhs and Hindus, Hindus and Muslims, Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, Jews and Palestinians, Hutu and Tutsi—the list of religious and ethnic combatants goes on and on.

Americans are socially more equal than any other people, and this is unaffected by economic disparities. America is the greatest, freest and most decent society in existence.

The political climate is stable. Regular elections give the opportunity to get rid of those who have abused their power with out a military coup.

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